Barton's Bible Study Notes

Life of Christ: Unit 27 - Sections 105-107

Read Luke 10:25-37. As he drew near Jerusalem, He was asked a question by a lawyer. This man was not a lawyer as we think of one today, but someone who was an expert in Old Testament Law. This man was comparable to a seminary professor today.

1. Why did this man ask Jesus a question?

2. What was the question this man asked?

3. How did Jesus answer this man?

4. How did this man answer Jesus’ question?

5. When Jesus told this man to go obey that law, and He would live, is Jesus saying we can earn eternal life by keeping the Law? Explain.

6. Why did this person ask Jesus who was his neighbor?

7. What is the point of the parable of the Good Samaritan?

8. What connection do you think there might be between this parable and what had just happened to our Lord and His disciples in a Samaritan village (See Luke 9:52-56.)?

Read Luke 10:38-42. Sometime during the earlier ministry of our Lord, two sisters, Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus had come to believe. Jesus was very close to this family and often stayed at their home in Bethany on His trips to Jerusalem since Bethany was just a few miles from Jerusalem. He stays at their home on this trip to Jerusalem for the celebration of Hanukkah. There was without a doubt a lot of work to do to get ready for this celebration.

9. What was Martha’s complaint to Jesus?

10. How did Jesus answer her complaint?

Read Luke 11:1-13. Much of what is found in this passage is also found in the Sermon on the Mount and other passages. It may be that Luke includes this here out of chronological order because it suits his purpose, but it is also likely that our Lord taught many of His lessons on many different occasions. Matthews’s account of the Sermon on the Mount is probably a collection of our Lord’s teachings that He set forth on many other occasions. During His stay at Mary and Martha’s home, our Lord probably found time to spend time in prayer. As His disciples watched Him pray, they decided they needed to learn to pray more effectively, and they asked Him to help them learn how to do this. In giving us this prayer, usually called the Lord’s Prayer, our Lord is not telling us to repeat these literal words; He is giving us a pattern to follow as we pray.

11. List at least six things that we are told to pray for.

12. What is the point of our Lord’s parable in Luke 11:5-8?

13. What is the point of our Lord’s parable about prayer in Luke 11:11-13?

The Applications:

What are the applications of these passages to our lives today? Identify as many as you are able.